Everybody wants a happier life and what can be better than a book that teaches you exactly how to live happily! Today, I am reviewing one such book – Live, Love and Laugh by Manjit Sargam Chawla.
Live, Love and Laugh is Manjit Sargam Chawla’s third book. Previously, she has written The Mystics of Twin Flame Relationship (2017) and The Dream Manifester (2016).
And believe me, this is not like those popular self-help books which preach a lot (and sometimes overrated).
Apart from my thoughts on this book, I have also outlined how Live, Love and Laugh is different from other self-help books. So, let’s dive in.
Book Review: Live, Love and Laugh by Manjit Sargam Chawla
Live Love and Laugh is a combination of real-life experiences of the author where she implemented the concepts of Yoga, the law of attraction and manifesting the dreams to progress towards a happier and tranquil state of life.
The book consists of 13 chapters, each chapter gives you a different perspective about the way we live and see things around us.
Manjit Sargam Chawla has beautifully explained the techniques of manifestation, the power of visualization, gratitude, forgiveness, love and more.
At times in the book, Manjit Sargam has shared her own experiences while practicing these techniques. This makes the reader actually believe in what the book ‘Live, Love and Laugh’ urges them to do.
Apart from these practices, there’s one complete chapter dedicated to the Yogic Perspective of living. She has also taken inspiration from Yogi Amrit Raj for this book.
Here, the author explains the ‘Eight Limbs of Yoga’ and how all of us can practice them in our day to day lives.
I personally liked the Ho’oponopono technique. It aligns completely with the Buddhist concept of ‘clearing the karma’ and cleansing the mental thoughts.
Live, Love and Laugh by Manjit Sargam Chawla is full of solutions for many relatable problems that everyone today has in their lives. At the same time, it also makes the reader stop for a moment and introspect upon what they can improve in their lives to achieve the happiness that lasts.
The Writing Style
Talking about the writing style, I found the book is quite an easy read. A reader would be able to relate with words.
The way the author’s experiences, thought-provoking quotes, and techniques are combined in the chapters makes Live Love and Laugh an undroppable book since the very first chapter itself.
We highly recommend this book to all those youngsters who are seeking their true selves. Also, if you are beginning to read non-fiction books, this book can be a perfect choice.
Although, if you are an avid non-fiction reader, then you may find some of the techniques already discussed by other authors as well.
But, Manjit Sargam has effectively added her own experience to these techniques which makes it worth reading.
Vowelor Review
An extremely practical self-help book that stands out with real-life experiences and provides a new perspective on the art of living.
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Quotes from Live, Love and Laugh
Every positive Musical Note within you creates a song in the world surrounding you.
To open the gates of Happiness, one Should love fearlessly.
Healing is Universal Nature.
About the Author: Manjit Sargam Chawla
Born in 1983 in a spiritual family, Manjit Sargam Chawla is the author of three bestselling books while she also works as a banker in a nationalized bank. Her latest book is Live, Love and Laugh which released in October 2019.
Being a spiritual human, believer of God and a yoga enthusiast, she aims to help the readers in transforming their lives with her books.
Apart from her spiritual knowledge, Manjit has strong academics possessing degrees in Computer Sciences as well as Banking.